Dartmouth Distance Recruiting Class - Class of 2024

Dartmouth Distance Recruiting Class - Class of 2024

*updated July 1st, 2024

Women's Distance Class

Virginia Averyt | Mountain Brook, AL | Mountain Brook HS

PBs: 1600: 5:06.41 | 3200: 10:50.63 | 5000: 17:44.98

Esme Daplyn | Greenwich, CT | Greenwich HS

PBs: 800: 2:11.28 | 1600: 4:56.84 | 3200: 10:47.54 | 5000: 17:47.21

Annie Pflaum | Atherton, CA | Menlo-Atherton HS

PBs: 800: 2:12.20 | 1600: 4:57.99

Emmy Thornton | Willowfield, Northern Ireland

PBs: 800: 2:11.04 | 1500: 4:39.49

Men's Distance Class

Asher Beck | Tarrytown, NY | Hackley School

PBs: Mile: 4:20.64 | 3200: 9:05.13

Connor Foley | Kingston, England

PBs: 400: 49.59 | 800: 1:50.60 | 1500: 3:50.67

Keion Grieve | Jefferson City, MO | Capital City HS

PBs: 400: 49.53 | 800: 1:51.26 | 1600: 4:13.89

David Jiang | Toronto, Canada

PBs: 1500: 3:57.94 | 3000: 8:36.22

Noe Kemper | Boise, ID | Boise HS

PBs: 400: 49.41 | 800: 1:49.62 | 1600: 4:10.77 | 2000SC: 5:43.50

Max Miller | Prosper, TX | Prosper HS

PBs: 1600: 4:18.11 | 3200: 9:26.73 | 5000: 15:20.70

contact runnerset.xctf@gmail.com to fix any errors

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